Step 1 – Finding information
Home care package information is available at www.myagedcare.gov.au or by calling the national contact centre on 1800 200 422.
My Aged Care can assist in estimating the fees and charges clients will have to pay for home care packages.
GP’s and other service providers can also offer information about home care.
Step 2 – ACAT Assessment
The client needs to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) in order to establish eligibility for a home care package. They must have at least equivalent to a level 1 – basic care needs package.
ACAT approvals are broad banded into two assessment points:
– Low Level Care being levels 1 & 2
– High Level Care being levels 3 & 4
An ACAT approval for a particular level of home care enables access to any level of home care package lower than or equal to the approved level.
When making an assessment ACAT takes into consideration the person’s physical, medical, psychological, cultural, social and restorative care needs. As well as any other relevant information available from the person’s GP or other specialist reports.
ACAT may also refer clients to other care services if applicable for example the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) or the Veteran’s Home Care (VHC) Program. These services so not require ACAT approval.
Step 3 – Determining whether a suitable home care package is available
Once ACAT have approved a client for home care package, ACAT may refer them to a specific home care provider or provide information on the providers in the clients’ local area.
ACAT Aged Care Client Record (ACCR) supplies the home care provider with important information about the client & their needs.
The Home Care Package is subject to availability within the clients local area at the level required. If the client has been assessed as eligible for a particular level but that level is unavailable, they may be offered a lower level in the interim until a higher level package becomes available.
Step 4 – Home Care Agreement
A Home Care Agreement is entered into at the commencement of the package. This is between the client and the home care provider. It sets out the basis on which the services will be provided. The home care provider can claim a subsidy from the Government dependant on the home care package level.
Since 1 August 2013, all new home packages have been delivered on a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) basis. Since 1 July 2015, all packages including existing packages are delivered via CDC.
CDC allows older Australians and their carers to make their own choices about the types of care services they receive and who delivers those services.
Clients receive an individualised budget and a monthly statement of income & expenditure to provide transparency about the level of funding & how those funds are spent.
Every 12 months there is a formal reassessment of the care plan and budget.
From 27th February 2017 there is going to be a complete overhaul and service is going to be allocated to an individual who can then find their provider. Please click here to read more
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