Aged care residents are now able to provide consent for Centrelink or the Department of Veterans Affairs to disclose their income and assets details to aged care providers.
Until recently, aged care facilities were not able to access an aged care resident’s income and asset details directly from Centrelink or the Department of Veterans Affairs.
In some cases, this resulted in difficulties when the assessment of aged care fees (determined by Centrelink) differed from the aged care facilities calculations.
From January 2018, the Department of Human Services conducted a trial where new aged care residents (and their nominees) could provide consent for Centrelink or the Dept of Veterans Affairs to disclose their income and asset information to the aged care provider.
A new consent section was added to:
- SA457 “Permanent Residential Aged Care Request for a Combined Asset and Income Assessment” form, and
- SA456 “Aged care fees income assessment” form.
From April 2018, the ability to provide consent to disclose income and asset information to aged care providers was expanded to all residents.
A new form SA480 “Aged Care Financial Disclosure consent form” was released.
Upon completion of the form, Centrelink have advised that financial information will be sent to aged care providers within 28 days.
Where a facility finds a discrepancy between the income and assets on Centrelink’s records and the amounts disclosed to the aged care facility, the facility can advise the resident or their nominee.
Aged care residents and their nominees can withdraw their consent at any time.
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